prevenzione dissesto idrogeologico con droni professionali

Prevention of hydrogeological disturbances

Protecting the land and safeguarding the citizenry

The problem of terrain susceptible to landslides and flooding is very real concern in many areas. 

No fewer than 6,633 Italian municipalities contain areas at elevated hydrogeological risk, resulting in grievous levels of damage every year and leaving no doubt as to the need for increased investment in preventive measures.

The development of a new outlook along these lines places the priority on the safety of the community, putting an end to speculative and illicit uses of our land, as well as instances in which it is totally abandoned.

ispezione del versante di una montaga realizzata mediante droni professionali
ricostruzione termografica con droni professionali

In working towards this goal, UAS technology has proven to be a valuable tool in the course of prevention efforts, thanks to its ability to provide various types of information. 

A riverbed can be reconstructed, detecting instances of illicit construction, complete with economic updates based on land-registry and GIS data; polluting materials and/or substances can also be detected using special sensors, providing a service that benefits the community while safeguarding the land.

The technology of Italdron’s instruments brings together all the strengths needed to operate in efforts of prevention and defence against such disturbances. In compliance with current regulations and standards, its drones can fly over inhabited areas, guaranteeing elevated levels of safety and data collection, thanks to powerful sensors that, in mapping the areas examined, obtain details of fundamental importance for technical and land-registry assessments.

Italdron is present throughout Italy, with the staff of its Service Network guaranteeing rapid response, plus the highest possible levels of professional skills and know-how, to meet every need.

ricostruzione di un porto con droni professionali

reccomended professional drones